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About Us

So, I’ve got this guy I’m married to. His favorite color is beer, and he says I’m crazy. But the difference between a madwoman and a guide is one has followers, and he for some reason, he likes to follow me everywhere. And everywhere is exactly where I’m trying to go. Sometimes not gracefully, sometimes not arriving at all. But at the end of the road there is the martini (filthy dirty please) and the stories. Some told by him, some told by me (they never match up), but they are all us. 



Back in the 1800’s they had these guys who braved the North Atlantic, then launched a small rowboat and speared a whale that they were then permanently attached to. What resulted was something called a “Nantucket Sleigh Ride” in which they were pulled at breakneck speeds through unfamiliar waters in unpredictable directions with really no idea how or where it was going to end. They did this on purpose. So in this scenario I’m the brave sailor, and Cat is, um, wait, not really a whale, but, well, crap. No, wait let me start over. Is the dictaphone still recording..?


misadventures, pru, travel blog, couples travel
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